Contract Labour Act 1970 and Central Rules 1971 Pdf | Apemag

Contract Labour Act 1970 and Central Rules 1971 Pdf

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Contract Labour Act 1970 and Central Rules 1971 Pdf

The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, is an important piece of legislation in India that governs the employment of contract workers in establishments across the country. It provides a framework for regulating the working conditions and wages of contract workers, and aims to provide them with a level of protection from exploitation.

The Act was enacted by the Indian Parliament in 1970, and was later amended in 1986 to extend its provisions to establishments employing 20 or more contract workers. The Act applies to all industries, such as construction, manufacturing, and services, and defines a contract worker as any person hired by an establishment on a contract basis to do work that is in the nature of a regular and permanent job.

Under the Act, it is mandatory for every establishment to obtain a license from the appropriate government authority before engaging any contract workers. The license is granted only after the establishment has paid a fee and provided certain information and documents, such as the nature of the work to be performed by the contract workers and the wages and benefits to be paid to them.

The Act also lays down certain obligations that the contractor (the person supplying the contract workers) must fulfill, such as providing adequate training and protective equipment to the workers and ensuring that they are not subjected to any unfair or exploitative practices. The establishment is also responsible for ensuring that the contractor complies with all the provisions of the Act.

The Central Rules, 1971, are a set of rules that provide further details on the implementation of the Act. These rules define the procedures for obtaining a license, the format of the application, and the criteria for granting and renewing licenses. They also lay down the duties of the establishment and the contractor in relation to the welfare and safety of the contract workers.

In conclusion, the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, and the Central Rules, 1971, are important pieces of legislation that provide a regulatory framework for the employment of contract workers in India. They aim to prevent exploitation and ensure that contract workers are provided with fair wages and working conditions. It is important for all establishments and contractors to adhere to these provisions and show respect for the rights of contract workers.

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